6/13/20 |
Maggie Davis |
Lies And Damned Lies <br><br> |
Published |
Could They Be More Disingenuous? Of Course They Can, They Are Trumpers. |
Anyone who know me knows I don't trust the Zuckerbergs any farther than I can throw them. <br><br>
He and his wife seem to have their hands in anything influential and anything that can make them richer. <br><br.
They have little to no regard for what misleading, manipulative, false, damaging and hateful trash is posted on Facebook and no regard for the damage they do. It's all about $ for them, even if it leads to all that was good in the USA and many other countries around the world being destroyed.<br><br>
He has the power to drive elections to whatever entity he desires. This shouldn't be legal. He is largely responsible for putting a wholly unsuitable man in the white house and rest assured he will do it again. Taking down his internet networks is long overdue. Law enforcement is not doing its job. He needs to be brought under control. <br><br>
Photo credit: http://bigeducationape.blogspot.com/2018/09/new-yorker-profile-warns-when-it-comes.html <br><br>
Click on the link below to learn more.
https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2020/04/how-facebooks-ad-technology-helps-trump-win/606403/ |